Teslin, Yukon
![]() Year(s) Funded: 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
Topic Area: Food Security Contact: Hannah Turner, Natural Resources Manager TTC, [email protected] Partners: N/A Website: http://www.ttc-teslin.com/ Title: Exploring Needs: Traditional Foods and Cultural Practices in the Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory
Action: The overarching objective of our project is to acquire a deeper, qualitatively and quantitatively-informed understanding of how Teslin Tlingit hunters perceive and interact with the landscape within the Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory, and to assess how this relationship is or is not meeting cultural and subsistence needs for both hunters and the broader community. This is being achieved through hunter focus groups in Teslin and Whitehorse, supplemented with a household survey. While the immediate focus is on moose hunters, there is also a need understand the spatial, social, and cultural relationships with and needs for other key species (i.e. trout, caribou). In documenting these needs, the TTC government will be better able to plan for and meet its Citizen’s needs in the coming years, particularly as hunters and land uses deal with climate change on an increasingly regular basis. The outcomes of this work are expected to inform land planning, policies, and programming to help Citizens to continue to meet their cultural and subsistence needs, while also empowering hunters to be active monitors of environmental change. Results: To date, we have developed a focus group guide, have identified key harvesters, and have conducted a test run of the guide in Teslin. Over the next couple of months, we will be engaging with hunters to set up the five to six focus groups, as participants are available. We expect to have preliminary results from the focus groups by the end of summer. Outputs: As we have not conducted the focus groups yet, we do not have outputs to share. |