Sivunivut, Nunatsiavut
Year(s) Funded: 2010-2011
Topic Area: Adaptation Planning Contact: Ed Tuttauk, Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation ([email protected]) Partners: Sivunivut Inuit Community Corporation, Labrador Institute of Memorial University, Nunatsiavut Government Website: Title: Traditional Knowledge: A Blueprint for Change
Action: This project worked to collect and preserve knowledge of Inuit residents that could be used to develop climate change adaptation plans in the future. The overall goal of the Project was to train Inuit residents of North West River, Labrador to collect and map the ecological knowledge of other Inuit in the community and record their observations of on-going landscape transformations in the Lake Melville-Grand Lake region. Results: Overall the project successfully trained community members in research methods, surveying, data management, and project planning. Knowledge exchange between scientists and community researchers helped extend both Traditional Knowledge and Western science by sharing tools and understandings to build on the different knowledge systems. Outputs: A GIS database was created that can be used by Sivunivut immediately to produce education materials (e.g. posters, maps, website, etc.) for community members regarding characteristics such as safe and unsafe ice conditions, travel routes, and sensitive habitats. |