Pan Northern
Year(s) Funded: 2015-2016
Topic Area: Knowledge Sharing / Education Contact: Deborah Simmons, Sahtú Renewable Resources Board ([email protected]) Partners: Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı (Sahtú Renewable Resources Board), University of Ottawa Website: Title: Review and Impact Analysis: Program for Climate Change and Health Adaptation in Northern First Nation and Inuit Communities
Action: Health Canada’s Climate Change Health Adaptation Program (CCHAP) supported 95 northern community research initiatives dealing with a wide range of potential health impacts of climate change, related water, food, on-the-land safety, and overall community well-being. Unlike virtually all other research funding opportunities, CCHAP solicited proposals from northern community organizations and individuals, and dispersed funds to them –effectively shifting control of the research agenda to communities, who identified research goals, managed the process, conducted the research, and sought technical support as needed. Results: Phase One products included: a preliminary overview analysis of all project reports, a program biography and analysis of its evolving dynamics, a preliminary literature review and the preparation of this draft research design for Phase Two. Although it was not identified as a Phase One deliverable, in the course of this work, the research team prepared a transferable Excel database that collects in searchable format all currently available information about each funded project. The database is in draft form, requiring additional information and further analysis. In Phase Two, the research team completed a database of CCHAP projects, a series of interviews with stakeholders involved in the program (project leads, partners, selection committee members, federal program officers) and an assessment based on the database, incorporating additional material provided by Health Canada staff and knowledge gathered in key informant interviews. Outputs: A synthesis report was produced report based on the analysis of the program was created. |