Title: On-going Traditional Teaching to Promote Physical and Mental Healthin Neqotkuk
Summary: The On-going Traditional Teachings to Promote Physical and Mental Health in Neqotkuk Project was led by community project coordinators who practice traditional and cultural activities such as: hunting, medicine-gathering, fishing and conducting ceremony. These activities promotedcrossgenerationaltransmission of knowledge from the coordinators and Elders to the youth. Elders were alsobrought in to teach the youth culturally appropriate ways of medicine gathering including: teaching youth how to gather foods such as fiddleheads, teaching about healthy food choices and the promotion of food security; addressing mental health by focusing on land activities (enhancing spiritual connections), and; teaching youth how to find suitable lands for harvesting. A youth ambassador was hired to help increase youth participation in the program. Additionally, the following activities were completed:tapping and preserving of syrup near Neqotkuk ; medicine gardens with an Elder; teachings on how to make peppermint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, basil, thyme, oregano and parsley, as well as their uses; fishing near Riley Brook; canoeing near Riley Brook; fiddlehead preservation with an Elder; making tea with an Elder near Tobique beach; canoe training at Tobique beach; gatheringmedicines near Mount Carleton; fishing near Mount Carleton; canoeing near Mount Carleton; and a workshop to update the community on the outcomes of the project.