Title: Emergency Preparedness in Mi’kmaw Communities in Nova Scotia
Action: The completion of this project and information gained will be used:
To provide information necessary to assist in developing up to date emergency management plans that are proactive;
Take predicted climate changes into consideration and providing protocols and resources necessary to effectively respond to and manage emergencies according to community needs.
Increase focus on health impacts and concerns associated with emergencies due to climate change.
Results: The results of this needs assessment will allow MCG member communities to become aware of strengths and weaknesses in their current emergency plans, become aware of current trends in emergency planning and the increased health and safety risks associated with climate change. Opportunities and barriers were also identified so that future projects can be developed to address the gaps in emergency planning and preparedness, increasing community resiliency and adaptive capacity in relation to climate change. Community Engagement efforts have increased awareness of some of the issues and encouraged community members to make emergency preparedness a higher priority.
Outputs: Emergency management plans and final reports that include areas where the community’s strength and weakness are during an emergency. These reports and emergency management plans will inform community decisions on their strength and weaknesses and where to improve.