Title: Improved Fresh and Healthy Food Access through Grow Tunnels
Project Summary: George Gordon First Nation identified a need for local, affordable, high quality fruits and vegetables to complement country food. The objective of the Improved Fresh and Healthy Food Access through grow tunnels was to improve fresh vegetable access and promote self-reliance. Access to local fresh vegetables was improved through the nurturing and growing of food which also extended the growing season. Community presentations took place to increase awareness, and Elders worked with youth and project leaders to: order the tower; build the tunnel; order seeds; create a watering system; plant the grow towers; and to provide ongoing maintenance and harvesting. On planting day approximately 40 people including children from the day care, youth, community members, health staff and Elders took part. The grow tunnel will continue to be used as a training area for youth and a space that the Elders can share their teachings.