Dene Nation, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Year(s) Funded: 2014-2015
Topic Area: Adaptation Planning Contact: Rolland Pangowish, Dene Nation ([email protected]) Partners: Dene Nation, Ikan Innovations Inc., Ecology North, Regional Governments of Gwich’n, Sahtu, Tlicho, Dehcho and Akaitcho Website: Title: Climate Change Observations in Denendeh
Action: Through surveillance work, Denendeh communities need to document climate change impacts and weather events, while also reporting on any abnormalities in traditional foods and plants. For this project, the Dene Nation conducted research and a series of regional workshops on climate change, as well as created an online observation database to inform elders, youth, and leaders about climate change and in turn get their feedback. As a result of project activities, an observation form was presented to the Denendeh communities. Results: Additional findings from the online survey work were consistent with reports from the regional workshops, which pointed to the environmental changes that people see across Denendeh. Overall, survey participants were quick to point out changes observed on the land, in the waters, and among wildlife, as well as changes to weather patterns. It was more difficult to single out health impacts, except for the common concern expressed about food security. However, changes to wildlife behavior and migration raised more fears than anything else, as connections were made between the loss of country food and climate change. There were also a number of people who were critical that more is not being done, which reflected a minority of Dene who are cynical about anything being done about climate change. Outputs: Reports following each workshop were prepared and shared with communities. |