Title: Alexander Health Services Food Security Project
Project Summary: The Alexander Health Services Food Security Project increased knowledge on the health impacts specific to climate change in Alexander First Nation. Elders in the community described the project as a necessary step toward improving the health and wellness of the nation. Learning about the impacts allowed the community to come up with plans to mitigate the risks of climate change specific to the community. Elders and knowledge keepers worked together to identify the various species of plants that are necessary for the continuation of traditional practices and ceremonies that are essential to community wellness. The youth learned and practiced the traditions and culture of hunting, trapping and fishing. Youth, Elders and community members also worked together to grow fresh vegetables. This project increased the availability of healthy food and product availability in the community. Workshops, educational sessions and gatherings were held to share the skills and techniques gained. Those involved in the project felt that they directly contributed to sustainable food security for the community and had an increased a sense of belonging and purpose.